3 Ways to Grow Your Leadership Skills

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Grow in Leadership

Have you found yourself with time to spare over the last year? Rather than decompressing through Netflix, there is a better way for leaders to pass the time: learning!


Learning keeps leaders on top of the latest trends and challenges, and also builds skills like communication and collaboration that make you a more effective leader. Whether you want to advance your career, build a more substantial business, or enact change in your community, these learning opportunities should be on your schedule.


1. Read Books on Leadership


Regular reading should be a top priority for any leader. When heading to the library or bookstore, skip the fiction section and use your reading time to develop leadership skills instead. Some great titles to get you started include:

  • Dare to Lead by Brené Brown: A must-read for anyone in a leadership position, this 2018 release looks at the big picture of what it means to be a leader.
  • The Leadership Challenge by James Kouzes and Barry Posner: You need more than courage to lead. To enact change in organizations, you also need a strategy. This book dives into case studies to explore what leadership looks like in practice.
  • Off the Clock by Laura Vanderkam: Burnout is among the biggest challenges faced by leaders. Vanderkam’s book explains how leaders can strike a work-life balance without sacrificing their vision.

2. Listen to Leadership Podcasts


Prefer your content delivered in audio format? Podcasts are a great way to expand your mind even when you are short on time. Turn on these podcasts during your morning commute, and you will arrive prepared to be a better leader.

  • The Learning Leader Show with Ryan Hawk: Listen to interviews with leaders from various industries to hear insights into what it takes to lead.
  • How I Built This with Guy Raz: This NPR podcast explores the history of well-known businesses to learn how they achieved success.
  • Recode Decode with Kara Swisher: In this podcast, journalist Kara Swisher interviews tech leaders, politicians, celebrities, and more to hear their takes on leadership and changing the world.
  • The Tim Ferriss Show: This popular business podcast dives deep into the habits, tactics, and routines that leaders use to become more productive and effective.
  • DH Podcast: Join the conversation in exploring ideas, stories, experiences, and tools that create happiness in the workplace and in our lives.

Find a Mentor


Mentorship is not just for young professionals. No matter where you are in your career, you can benefit from a mentor. This is especially true for people in leadership positions who often feel like they are all alone. As Entrepreneur explains, a mentor can serve as a sounding board and a source of advice. If you are ready to find a mentor, here are three places to look.

  • Online mentorship networks: Looking for the easiest way to find a mentor? Online networks are designed for just that!
  • Get an advanced business degree: Higher education offers a great way to enhance leadership skills and build your network. Plus, achieving an MBA position allows you to take charge and make a change. 
  • Networking events: Networking events are also a great place to find a mentor, although you should not expect instant results.
  • Industry meetups: If you need industry-specific guidance, look for mentors in your field at industry events.

With a fast-paced work and home life, it is easy to overlook building your leadership skills, but it is also essential to make time for professional development. Dedicating time to learning opportunities and making it a priority will ensure you continue to be a confident and capable leader.


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About the Author

Amy Collett

Amy Collett is the creator of Biz Well, a website that helps professionals and entrepreneurs build and strengthen their personal brand. When she isn’t helping clients boost their careers or businesses, she enjoys coaching her daughter’s soccer team and training to become a yoga instructor.



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