Company Culture Tips | Delivering Happiness Blog

5 Ways A Thriving Employee Stands Out At Work

Written by shari | Feb 28, 2012 3:40:21 PM

In a previous post, we offered four tips to help managers create a company culture of thriving. Just what happens when you thrive as an employee?

According to the research of Gretchen Spreitzer and Christine Porath, here's what thriving employees report versus their non-thriving peers:

  • 125% less burnout
  • 46% higher job satisfaction
  • 32% greater commitment to your company
  • 16% better overall performance
  • You also report missing less work and requiring fewer doctor visits

When the two components of thriving (vitality and learning) are working in concert, you're more likely to be a better leader. As a high-learning and high-energy employee, you'll have 11% greater effectiveness in leadership versus a peer who only reports high energy.

It's all good news to share at your next team meeting.

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