Delivering Happiness at the Samovar Tea Lounge

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How do you make a message a movement? We asked that question at our Virtual Happy Hour at Samovar Tea Lounge during the Delivering Happiness “Inspire and Be Inspired” Bus Tour. James Key Lim, Head Webolutionary for the Delivering Happiness Movement says it’s all about believing in the message, because passion is contagious.

“When you do something that is from deep within that you’re passionate about and someone else enjoys that, it multiplies that satisfaction,” he explains.

Lane Becker, Co-Founder of Get Satisfaction & Adaptive Path adds that success in creating something big and having selfless intentions don’t have to be mutually exclusive.“People like Tony prove that you can do pretty well for yourself while also doing something that comes from a place of wanting to help others,” he says.

To hear more about people’s ideas on creating a movement, watch the video here. We'd love to hear from you what you're most passionate about in life and how you define personal satisfaction. Please share your comments below.

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