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Living Your Passion, In Your Career!

Written by Amy Frost | Jun 20, 2014 7:00:11 AM

I was honored to be one of the Las Vegas Inspire! presenters in March.  I was thrilled to be able to talk about one of my favorite topics: “living your passion in your career.” If that isn’t happiness then I don’t know what is! I often refer to myself as the Forrest Gump of career development. My own career has been a wild ride and a great case study for exactly this topic, living the dream while still earning the benjamins. I have worked with the top people in career development for many years. I work with people day in and day out on creating and implementing their unique career path. Most people don’t think about their careers until they are in crisis of losing the job they fell upon in the first place.  I want to support you in tapping into your passion, Igniting or Re-Igniting Your Pilot Light, using your gifts and talents to live your mission while making a good living.  Impossible?  I beg to differ!!! Careers are like kites. They can be hard to get off the ground. You run and run and run and the kite still bumps along in the dirt behind you. When the kite finally lifts up into the air, sometimes coaxed by a random gust of wind or a little dumb luck, then you’ve done it—you’ve taken it to the next level. Get ready to hold on, because it’s a whole new life. But if you never try to fly the kite—if you never take action—then you’ll never know the thrill of achievement you could have experienced when all your hard work pays off and you end up in an amazing place you’d never even dreamed about.  (Bethenny Frankel, A Place of Yes.) If you’ve already gotten your kite off the ground, great. If you haven’t, get it up there. From time to time we all need to make sure we have the right kite flying and to see if we need to be flying someplace else. I have outlined what I believe are critical skills to a vital career. You never know when you will need to change your path by your choice or by circumstance, so I want to keep you prepared to make a change when you want to and/or when it is thrust upon you.

Critical Skills in Your Career

  • Setting intentions and clear goals for where you want to go in your career
  • Knowing and using your gifts, talents, abilities, values, and mission
  • Having a sure touch when dealing with other people
  • Creating strong  business relationships
  • Being an entrepreneur, intrapreneur, and/or nontrepreneur
  • Having a clear view of the obstacles you face and a plan to overcome them
  • Creating a work/life balance that suits you
  • Effectively using skills in  communication, networking, emotional intelligence, decision making, problem solving, time management, change management, stress management, and living optimistically
  • Having a support team and a personal board of directors (mentors)
  • Creating a career development plan that outlines everything above as well as the required education, training, experience, and mentoring you need to create your ideal life and work

Making a Living with Your Passion Career Workbook! Free Gift!