Company Culture Tips | Delivering Happiness Blog

Making the World a Happier Place

Written by polly | Sep 23, 2011 1:00:14 PM

This week's Share and Tell on our Facebook page posed a simple question: "What have you done this week to make the world a happier place?" We got a flurry of great responses from the Delivering Happiness community; here are just a few:

  • While standing in line at the City Utility Office, I overheard a gentleman paying his mother's water bill, looked in his wallet pulled out the cash he had and asked how long his amount would keep it on... When he left, I approached the attendant and just asked what the remaining balance was and paid it. -Gordon W. Leopard III
  • I am donating some great household items to a women's center after work! -Patty Smith
  • Worked on my own inner self, therefore making the world a happier place. -Lane Blake
  • Helped my mom deal with some serious headed-for-Hoarders clutter, put up a yard sale, and celebrated with sushi. -Ana Maria Montoya
  • My practice of reflecting on 3 good things every day and loading them up as a photo to FB to share with my friends. It makes me happy and aware of how much i have to be grateful for. After 93 days (phew!) it's something that's making a positive impact on my friends, lifting their spirits and delivering a little happiness every night. -Kate Billing
  • Share a smile with anyone in sight. =) -Mong Tuyen

Personal stories like these really help to make the concept of Delivering Happiness into something concrete; it's amazing and inspiring to find out all the ways people are showing each other how to make the world a happier place. What did you do this week? What do you hope to do next week? Let's keep sharing!