Company Culture Tips | Delivering Happiness Blog

The Happy Post Project

Written by Amy | Mar 17, 2011 10:05:14 PM


Happy Post SOWA Exhibition from erik angra | Cinematographer on Vimeo.

We had the honor to meet the Co-Founder of The Happy Post Project (HPP), Mario Chamorro during the Delivering Happiness Bus Tour and were instantly inspired by his passion for life and the greater good. The HPP is a social experiment to spread happiness by collecting 100K Post-It notes from around the world that feature words or pictures that make people happy - something founders Catalina Garcia and Chamorro believe is a simple yet powerful way to make the world a happier place. The movement is an example of simple acts that can have an inspire and impact globally. To learn more about the HPP or to get involved, watch the video above or “like” the movement on Facebook.

If you are interested in interacting with Mario, you can join in on discussions happening now in the Delivering Happiness Town Hall Group on Facebook. Join here.