Company Culture Tips | Delivering Happiness Blog

We're Thankful For...

Written by Marisa Keegan | Nov 22, 2012 1:44:23 PM

The Delivering Happiness and Delivering Happiness @ Work team would like to wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving!

This year, we have a lot to be thankful for...


I am thankful for a happy, healthy family and the time I get to spend with them. 



I'm really thankful for being part of a movement and company that helps people to be happier in life and at work! I'm really thankful for sharing this experience with my friends and family...and I'm really thankful that I'm healthy to approach whatever challenge life throws at me! :)

Hugs and happiness.



This thanksgiving (and everyday) I am grateful for all the moments that have led me to these incredible people and movement! Hard roads, long nights, great triumphs, many laughs... All that I have learned I am grateful for. And, I am most grateful to be humbled daily by such incredible hearts and minds. 



I am thankful for:

For my amazing husband and our new son – every day is filled with laughter and new challenges.

Being able to work for a company that supports and inspires you to follow your passion.

For my health, family and friends.

For each new day and what it brings



My family, friends and new job. :-)



I am thankful to be waking up everyday and have a new day ahead of me

I am thankful for all the family and friends around

I am thankful to be able to enjoy my work and have the freedom to choose to follow my passion

I am thankful that I am having fun in my life

I am thankful to be creating every day

and bacon sweaters on turkeys rule! :)



i'm thankful:

- that contrary to what we're told to believe, people in the world are good and are more like to help than to hurt

- for the wonder that's around the corner

- for the amazing relationships around me and those to come

- for the opportunity to help unleash the potential in people and companies

- for turkeys baked with a bacon weave sweater on



I'm thankful to be surrounded by amazing people that i'm lucky enough to work/play/live a meaningful life with, every day. i'm also thankful i was alive when twinkies and pink snowballs existed.

happy gobble!

Jenn L


There is nothing more important to me than my family close knit family.

I am thankful for my husband, Pete; my three great kids, Dominic, Parker and Savannah, my parents and other family members, Oh and my two lovely dogs, Bruno and Sparky.

I am grateful for DH &DHW; I have been here for a little over a month and could not imagine ever being anywhere else. I am eternally grateful to my dearest friend Shereen for introducing me to all of you.

And most importantly --- all thanks to God for this great life!

Jennifer M


I'm grateful for:

- My husband, twin boys, family and friends.

- A professional network that has been gracious with their time and advice.

- The moments over the past year that, in the end, will make me stronger.

- The opportunity to join the movement to truly Make Happy Work.



I am grateful for:

- my health and wellbeing to be able to explore the world

 - the connection with my children and seeing them grow up and contribute to the world

 - the freedom and opportunities that Canada has gifted me with 

 - the opportunity to help people be happier in their lives and to make that difference in the world

 Happy Thanksgiving to my American and Spanish friends



I am so thankful to be surrounded by this amazing DH Family everyday and that we all believe that we can and will change the world more than we ever thought possible!

I am thankful for my wonderful supportive husband and for my awesome talented son who makes me laugh every day and reminds me to stop & enjoy the little things!

 I am thankful for so many things, and it all starts with all the wonderful people who touch my life everyday!



Magic Thursdays!!!!



This Thanksgiving I'm thankful for the very delectable Creme Brûlée Cart on Market St. San Francisco, 1AM conversations with my best friends back home, the lovely cuddle weather and lastly, the legion of hardworking superheroes at DH for inspiring me every single day. 



i am thankful for all the laughter i share with my co-workers

i am thankful for hiking in shorts in november



Photo Credit: Flickr, TheLearnedFoot