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Your Brain and Happiness, Part I

Written by shari | Jan 9, 2012 1:00:54 PM

Can an adult brain learn new tricks? Is it possible to "train" your brain to become happier?

Up until the end of the twentieth century, the field of neuroscience would have answered no. But studies in the past two decades, detailed so well in Sharon Begley's Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain, have revealed the brain's high degree of "neuroplasticity," its ability to change and develop even beyond the malleable years of youth.

According to Begley, "The actions we take can literally expand or contract different regions of the brain . . ." A violinist, for example, will have more physical brain space devoted to the region that controls the digits of the fingering hand.

Not only can the structure of the brain change, but so can its functionality. A region of the brain once responsible for seeing may assume control for hearing under certain circumstances (e.g. trauma). "It can activate long-dormant wires and run new cables like an electrician bringing an old house up to code . . . " writes Begley.

Other interesting facts from the book:

Benefitting from neuroplasticity requires attention and conscious mental effort. The adage, "you have to want to change," holds true for altering thoughts and/or brain functionality over the long term.

Researchers believe that "mind sculpting" can occur simply from the thoughts we think, not just in response to our input from and experiences in the outside world.

Neuroscience holds high interest for the Dalai Lama who finds parallels in the Buddhist view of mental transformation, meditation, and the plasticity of the brain. Many researchers believe you can train your brain through various "exercises" to help change the way you think.

Those who suffer from such challenges as OCD, depression, dyslexia, and strokes can be helped by changing the sensory input the brain receives.

In my opinion, one of the best takeaways Begley offers is that there really is room for more happiness in your brain.

Look for Part II in this series.