Company Culture Tips | Delivering Happiness Blog

Happiness Now | In 2021

Written by Amanda Marksmeier | Apr 1, 2021 6:00:00 PM

It has been quite a while since we've published a Happiness Now update-in fact, the last one was in 2019. 2020 was a cluster....well, you know. At DH, we have worked to navigate the challenges of 2020. This time has given us the opportunity to reflect on our purpose and draw closer to our passions. 


We are filled with hope, humbleness, and a newfound appreciation of humanity. DH is encouraged and honored to have delivered a webinar, keynotes, and coaching sessions in the first quarter of 2021. We have also created new course offerings that are people-focused and happiness-driven that lead to real [measurable] business results.  


Overcoming Workplace Challenges Webinar


Carlos Piera Serra DH Spain CEO and Shereen Eltobgy, DH Lead Coach|sultantĀ® hosted a 60-minute webinar to discuss the most common pains CEOs and organizations face today. They shared tools, research, and real-life examples on how to overcome these challenges.


Carols and Shereen focused on 3 key challenges that affect the workplace:

  1. Strategic Challenges: Cash Flow & Revenue
  2. Operational Challenges: Remote Working
  3. Human Challenges: Anxiety and Stress

Surprise guest DEIB Innovator Jeannine Carter joined them to discuss creating a more inclusive workplace culture. 


Virtual Keynote Diageo


DH CEO & Co-founder Jenn Lim delivered a keynote at Diageo's Leadership Development, Accelerate. Jenn shared her authentic, honest, energized whole self to explain the Me, We, Community model to over 650 top leaders within their  organization.


DEI Leader Alignment Session with Evolve


Jeannine Carter, Chief DEIB Innovator & Advisor, delivered a DEI Leader Alignment Session to Evolve MKD's senior leadership. She provided them with the next/best practices to cultivate DEI initiatives.  


Don't forget to check out the DH Podcast which includes episodes with a few of our coach|sultantsĀ®, culture leaders & drivers of innovation. 


Group Coaching Session Today's Resilient Leaders


Shereen Eltobgy Lead Coach|sultantĀ® & Culture Experience Orchestrator delivered a live exclusive group coaching session that:

  • Shared select tactics of Resilience
  • Explored attendees specific challenge(s)
  • Provided the tools to overcome these specific challenge(s)

Indeed at Work Event 


DH CEO & Co-founder Jenn Lim delivered a keynote, "Sustaining and Recruiting for Happiness: Boosting morale and resilience for success," at "Better hiring. Better jobs. Better lives" event hosted by IndeedWorks. She also shared more information about The World Happiness Report's findings on well-being at work. 


Facebook Workplace


This event included a Facebook Workplace conversation between DH CEO and Co-founder Jenn Lim and Workplace Head of Global Executive Solutions, Abby Guthkelch. They discuss how to put employee happiness and the feeling of belonging at the heart of business strategy.


DH's New Services


DH has designed new corporate workshops to help you accomplish your desired outcomes with the best workplace strategies. These workshops include:

  • Adapt & Thrive Remote Teams 
  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging
  • Virtual & On-site Masterclass
  • Measure, Analyze, Plan [MAP] 
  • Executive Alignment
  • Higher Purpose
  • WOW Customer Service
  • Human Communication

In addition to these corporate workshops, we have also created individual and team on-demand workshops. Our first two on-demand courses are:

  1. Masterclass Essentials
  2. The Humor Advantage

Lasting change begins with you. These courses will help you grow your passion and purpose. 


If you have an HR-focused, customer-focused, or culture-focused event coming up for your organization, bring actionable inspiration with one of DH's experts.