Company Culture Tips | Delivering Happiness Blog

Happiness Now | How to Practice Self-Care at Work

Written by Briana Krueger | Apr 23, 2018 3:10:00 PM

Hi Culture Friends!

We’ve been a bit busy working on some cool projects [don’t worry, we think you’ll love them], but we wanted to check-in with some DH wisdom that you can share! We all know self-care is important, but how can you manage it sustainably?

We’ve compiled three easy ways you can take care of yourself and have a significant impact on your mental, physical, and emotional health. Share this with a co-worker and make each other accountable for self-care, especially when work gets tough and stressful!


3 Easy Self-Care Tips You Can Incorporate at Work:


1) Pencil in some breaks

Do you find that some days include back to back meetings? If you find that your energy is depleted [mentally and physically], you need to take a break. Instead of accepting those back to back meetings, ask if some of those can be pushed back so that you can make time for yourself – even if it’s just 15 minutes. Take a breather, get a cup of coffee, or walk around and have a chat about something other than work. That’ll bring you into a more positive mindset for your next team meeting!


2) Opt for a more wholesome lunch

When you’re in a bad or tired mood, you often want to grab that giant burrito or a bag of chips for lunch. Sometimes, these foods can make you feel more tired, leaving you unable to tackle the afternoon with motivation and persistence. If you hate salads, opt for roasted vegetables and a healthy portion of protein. You can also add in a serving of your favorite fruit. Soon enough you’ll find that after lunch you might feel more elevated than depleted. Cooking can even help battle unhappiness!


3) Look out for your team, and socialize with them

When you’re having a rough day, sometimes the best way to turn it around is to lift someone else up [metaphorically]. If you’re a manager, take your team out for morning coffee or send encouragements their way; you might not be the only one having a bad day.

Initiating closer bonds and meaningful interactions is key to creating connectedness in your team’s WOW culture. A team that socializes together is also more committed to achieving their goals together.



 What’s Going on in our World:

· Our CEO Jenn Lim is prepping to go to San Antonio for Silk Road’s Connections conference. There she will be speaking to Human Resources professionals about how to use their leverage to create sustainable, profitable, and happier workplaces. If you’re in the area, come by and see how employee happiness can have a place at work!

· And a big HELLO from Russia from our coachsultants abroad, leading a great project for one of our clients:



Prioritizing self-care starts with the culture you create around it. Want to know where your culture stands currently?

Take our Culture Pulse Assessment to find out: