Company Culture Tips | Delivering Happiness Blog

Happiness Now | October Wrap-Up

Written by Karla April Moreno | Nov 1, 2017 5:59:04 AM


DH CEO Jenn Lim with the Platinum Elect

rician's team in the Maldives this past month. A team so inspiring we can't stop smiling! :)  

October saw us in all corners of the world. 

We were inspired and moved, deeply, after the shooting in Las Vegas that prompted our sister co Zappos to set up a fund matching 1 million in donations (Click to donate here). 

It's a reminder to look for the good, to seek out the helpers. As we move into November, we're more excited than ever and more enthralled with passion for who we are and what we believe in. 

  • WHAT WE'RE READING: Do you care about great teams? Former sports editor Sam Walker uncovers the secret bullet behind the world's greatest teams' success in his book, The Captain Class. Hint: it's not what you think...
  • A QUOTE TO INSPIRE: "I am a human being, nothing human can be alien to me," -Maya Angelou 
  • A VIDEO TO GATHER AROUND: When's the last time you did something absurd
  • FROM OUR CHO, CEO; JENN LIM: Sending an extension of gratitude of how amazed I am of the culture Platinum Electricians has built from what they've learned from DH. The opportunity to speak to your team in the Maldives was unparalleled. Thank you. What an honor to spend time with you and with your awesome team. 

As always, make sure you tweet us @DHMovement and @kaprilmoreno and let us know what *YOU* think. Anything inspire you? Outrage you? Let us know!