Company Culture Tips | Delivering Happiness Blog

How to Use a Culture Video to Promote Workplace Well-being

Written by Victor Blasco | Jul 20, 2020 7:06:43 PM

With the recent rise of mental health issues in adults, workplace well-being has become a concern for many companies. But no one could have anticipated the additional threat to mental health which was lurking just around the corner.

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted most work environments, and it is expected to have long-term consequences in the population's mental health. 

In this disheartening scenario, it is more important than ever to pay special attention to your employees' mental health and foster their well-being. But with face-to-face interaction off of the table, how can this daunting task be accomplished?


Through video content ―specifically, culture videos. Also known as company stories [by corporate video production houses] which will promote measures that will benefit your staff's mental and physical health.


Let's discuss how to produce culture videos to help promote your staff's well-being during these trying times, [and even after the pandemic].


Practices That Enhance Your Staff's Well-being


The path to well-being is paved with small habits, so that is what your video should focus on. During normal circumstances, your company story could suggest activities that take place onsite. Most likely, the video would be paired with newly applied workplace well-being measures. For example, if your company started offering balance ball chairs for staff, the video could show how to use them correctly and the health benefits of balance balls.


But these are not normal circumstances, as your workplace may be closed and employees working remotely. So, an alternative is to promote activities and habits that your employees can do at home. You can offer stress management tips, suggest new hobbies, recommend getting dressed for the day even if they do not leave their homes (mental note: we probably all should start implementing that one). Basically, the idea is to encourage practices that can boost your staff's mood and lessen their stress. 


Listen to DH's CEO Jenn Lim discuss the importance of emphatic leadership during this challenging time. 


Pro Tip: 


Make sure you provide actionable tips, explaining to your staff how the featured activities should be done. Your employees must have the necessary information to follow the habits you are suggesting. Otherwise, your video will lack practical value.


It is also a good idea to include the scientific data behind your advice, this will strengthen your claims. That said, theory alone will not benefit your staff's well-being and mental health unless it is put into practice. 


Convey Your Message Through Storytelling


As we talk about culture videos intended to promote workplace well-being "storytelling" is probably not one of the first thing that come to mind. And yet, you would be surprised just how storytelling can improve almost all kinds of corporate videos. Storytelling can improve testimonials, explainer videos, and of course, culture videos too!


Storytelling through culture videos is not about entertaining your staff ― [although storytelling works wonders for that] ―but it is about informing and motivating them to take care of their well-being and mental health. And this is where storytelling plays a significant role.


Conveying your point through an interesting story that resonates with your staff makes your video's information easier to digest. Plus, it makes the message more likely to stick in your staff's minds. 


On the other side of the coin, if you limit your video to just pointing out data, the piece will not be engaging, so halfway through, your employees' minds will start wandering off.


In short, storytelling can transform a dull, informative message into a fun, understandable, and memorable one. The best part- You can create a great company story even amidst the pandemic


With an animated video, you can produce and deliver an entertaining piece of content without leaving your home. And honestly, animation is a good option for your videos, quarantine or no quarantine, for many good reasons:

  • It allows you to create characters that match and resonate with your audience ―a.k.a.: your staff.
  • It offers more resources to break down complex topics ―even abstract ideas like well-being ―into a fun and clear explanation.
  • It enables you to customize every aspect of your video according to your brand's style.

In a nutshell, animation lets you create a story that your staff can understand and identify with, maximizing the effect of your video's message.


Make Your Staff Feel Appreciated


When you start cooking the workplace well-being recipe, there is a main ingredient that you cannot forget to include: work engagement. Feeling appreciated and motivated at work has a significant impact on your workforce's well-being. Having an engaged, motivated staff is one key to a successful business. When employees feel happy with their lives and jobs, productivity is prone to increase, healthcare costs are reduced, and [my personal favorite benefit] a good mood is contagious so your clients are more likely to feel satisfied with your staff. 


You may be wondering what all of this has to do with culture videos. Well, the truth is culture videos can be an excellent way to achieve all those wonderful benefits by motivating your staff and making them feel valued.


By creating company stories that honor a particular employee or group of employees [e.g., a whole department], you will demonstrate your appreciation for their work and their importance. These videos can be made to celebrate your staff's personal or working achievements, such as parenthood, an important new client, or a well-done job. 


However, you can make your employees happy with a culture video even if it is not specifically about them. Being featured in a corporate video, being interviewed or involved in the production/decision making of the piece, can make your staff members feel like a valuable piece in your company's game. 


The Takeaway


2020 is likely to leave a mark in your employees' mental health, causing them high levels of anxiety and stress. But just as it is became more important than ever to focus on workplace well-being, there is no such thing as a "workplace" anymore! Most employees are working from home, and there is only so much that you, as a leader, can do for their well-being.


Handling information ― handling the right information ―is crucial to remain calm in these difficult times. You can offer your staff this through encouraging and understandable video content.  


Take this opportunity to create a company story that makes your employees feel appreciated and provides them with real value to enhance their well-being. This type of content can help mitigate the challenges the current pandemic brings while benefiting your workforce during these challenging times and into the future.