Company Culture Tips | Delivering Happiness Blog

Introducing the New Delivering Happiness Podcast

Written by Amanda Marksmeier | Jul 13, 2020 1:51:22 PM

The Delivering Happiness Bus is back! [it is in a different form but shares the same purpose] For those who do not remember The Bus Tour or are not familiar with The Book [it is a bestseller], we’ll catch you up to speed. 


In 2010, Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh’s first book, Delivering Happiness, A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose blasted to the top of bestseller lists with its blend of business advice, tales of worm farms, raves, multi-million dollar deals and — above all — the belief that happiness can be used as a model both in business and in life.


A few months after the book launch, the team drove a big blue bus cross-country to talk to folks inspired by Delivering Happiness and hear firsthand how people were making happiness a priority in their own lives. The purpose of the Delivering Happiness bus tour was to inspire people to be inspired. 


Check out the bus tour in action




We have re-invented the DH bus by creating the Delivering Happiness Podcast

Instead of coming to your town, DH is coming straight to your living rooms, cars, gyms, or wherever you listen to podcasts. 


DH leads our clients to strive for a higher purpose, so it is only natural for us to share our higher propose for creating the DH Podcast


Build Relationships

We believe building relationships involves real human experiences, time, trust, and a bit of old-fashion courting. The DH Podcast allows our community to get to know us on a deeper, more human level and gives us the opportunity to continue sharing our purpose, which is “Inspiring Passion & Purpose for a Happier World.”


To inspired [& be inspired] 

Also know as DH core value #5, our goal for the DH Podcast is to inspire our listeners and be inspired by our guests so together we can change the world and create a happier culture.  


Start conversations & answer questions

We will explore ideas, stories, experiences, and tools that create happiness in the workplace and in our lives. We believe we live in an adaptive age, which our fearless CEO, Jenn Lim, discusses in the first episode. 


Add value to our community 

The DH Podcast allows us to show WHO we are, WHY we do what we do, and WHAT our culture and brand represent. We hope DH’s who, why, and what adds value to our community. 


Now that you know the WHY behind the DH Podcast, let’s get to know the WHO.


The DH Podcast is brought to you by Kelly Lei and Paul Osincup.


Kelly Lei’s infectious laugh not only endears her to the audience but also contributes to the human experience of the DH Podcast.  



Paul Osincup’s humor and “made for radio” voice keeps listeners [and guests] engaged, contributing to the realness and relatability of the DH Podcast.  






The first question every guest is asked is, “What makes you weird?” So, it is only appropriate to ask the same of our hosts.


Kelly: I am somewhat a minimalist; When I moved, I took Amtrak overnight with the car fitting all my belongings. I want to eventually live somewhere I don’t need a car [because I am a terrible driver.]


Paul: I can fly fish from sun up until sundown without stopping. It’s a serious addiction, and I’m afraid to fly fish in Alaska in the summer because the only way I know it’s time to stop is when it gets dark.


Find out what else makes Paul and Kelly weird-hint each perform random funny acts. 


If you could have dinner with anyone [living or dead], who would it be?


Kelly: Jesus. I would ask him to show me how to turn water into wine. Also, Oprah, I want her to teach me about the art of interviewing.  


Paul: I wouldn’t even know what to make for someone dead. I’d like to have dinner with my mom. Please don’t be sad, she’s alive, but with all the COVID quarantines I wish I could go to see her & keep her company.


What new talent/hobby have you discovered during the shutdown?


KellyAside from learning how Koreans lead and do business through Netflix K drama, I invested some time in learning more about creating venture funds for social businesses. It’s something that I thought about doing for quite some time. COVID has given me, not necessarily more time, but more peace to figure out that this is something that I want to do soon. I am thinking this would be my next dream to project. The way we make, spend, give, and invest could all be aligned to our values. 


Paul: I had fun making a few funny parody videos about zoom meetings and quarantining


What is the best piece of advice [professional or personal] that you have received?


Kelly: Don’t just learn about the world, but learn about yourself and be you. There are different places for each of us to shine. Eagles need to be in the sky to fly.  


Paul: I don’t know where I first heard this, but the acronym, the CIA, focuses on what you can Change, what you can Influence, and what you may need to Accept. It helps me not ruminate too long on things I have no control over. 


As a kid, what was your dream job? How does that compare to your job now?


Kelly: I would play teacher with my brother as a child and actually taught the entire year of Algebra to him one summer. I enjoy seeing people understand things. After going through several careers, I learned that coaching is a much better way of teaching than informing. Whatever insights you get through coaching or actions you’ve taken, it’s in you forever. It’s Information vs. transformation. 


Paul: I wrote in an essay for my high school English class that I wanted to be a teacher because I wanted to use my creativity and sense of humor to inspire and motivate people. After working with at-risk college students and teaching college courses for 15 years, I still get to use my sense of humor and creativity to teach and inspire people all over the world. ;)





Now that you know the WHY and the WHO-you need the WHAT-Listen and subscribe to the Delivering Happiness Podcast. 




We would love to hear from the DH Community: What are your workplace culture questions? What culture thought leaders do you want to hear from? Keep listening because we may include your questions or guests on future episodes.