The Element of Happiness

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Happiness: the element

You are thinking of the the things you like: hot showers, socks, one pump (not three) of vanilla in your latte. And you are thinking of the things you really like: peanut butter, music, a good run.

And you are thinking of the things you need.

The phone calls from your sister, the bike rides with your friends.  The witty banter in an exchange of emails.  The giggle from your child after he just tricked you into eating toothpaste (do not inquire as to how this may occur).  The endeavor that has given you a reason to focus not on yourself but on the people around you.

You are feeling very good now because we are doing a lot of thinking about things that are nice to think about.  And since you are so busy with this thinking, you may not be wondering what I am thinking.  I think I will tell you.

I think that happiness should be an official element, and here are the reasons why: it works well with others.  It causes great reactions.  It is light and odorless and if you mind your laboratory of likes and needs, there is always some of it around.  Happiness, I think, is no different from oyxgen.  It is essential. 

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