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#DHLeaderChat: What Does The Science Of Happiness Have To Do With Profits?

Written by Fiona Chan | Sep 23, 2019 7:00:00 PM

Leaders are always looking for that next best practice, that point of leverage, that way to meet the demands they face with the impact they desire. Be it leading teams, organizations, or their own lives in a high-performing way. Great leaders want to be BETTER leaders, and the most common question that we get asked as coaches is “how?”


How can you lead change in a way that gets people on board, feeling motivated, and personally tied to the success of the organization [and its place in the world]? What should you be focusing on to give your organization that competitive edge?


First, the edge came with IQ, a psychological measure for “smarts”, in a world focused on skills and productivity. But we’ve now come to realize that great leaders possess a balance of both intellect and emotional intelligence. 


IQ, in combination with EQ [Emotional Intelligence], a person’s ability to communicate and interact with others, separates the bosses from the leaders. What’s the difference between a boss and a leader? A boss manages their team, whereas a leader inspires their team. Possessing a high level of EQ allows leaders to motivate, inspire, and bring the best out of people. 


The next level up is combining EQ with the Science of Happiness, also known within the field of social sciences as positive psychology. The Science of Happiness focuses on the positive elements of life, which enables individuals to be happier and more engaged, encourage healthy institutions and flourishing communities. 



There are four practices that come out of the Science of Happiness:


1) The ability to “Lean Positive”


Being able to "lean positive" is the ability to reframe challenging situations, focus and build on strengths and cultivate optimism is proven to be a key to greater success at work and in life.  


Martin Seligman, the father of positive psychology, teaches the fundamentals of Learned Optimism as a skill that can be developed to broaden options and help us to optimize any circumstance.


2) The art of Resilience


Resilience is the ability to develop strategies for embracing change and recovering from setbacks more quickly.  


Resilience can be cultivated through an ever-expanding blend of habits like Gratitude, Connected Communication, Compassion, Presence/ Mindfulness, and Authenticity [from living in alignment with our values]. When these habits and values result in a high, overall well-being, engaged employees become 45% more adaptable to change.  


3) Purpose & meaning


It is undeniable that tapping into our WHY, discovering the meaning of our day to day activities [at work and at home], and the purpose that beats inside our hearts elevates the experience of our lives and galvanizes us towards focused results more than anything else.


In Harvard Business Review study, employees inspired by purpose and a sense of WHY generated at least 2x more output than disengaged employees. The role of higher purpose at work and in our lives is critical as it feeds our resilience and sustainable happiness.


When an organization has found its WHY or higher purpose, their employees can find meaning in their work and are encouraged to pursue their own personal purpose too.


4) Empathy


Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another, responding with compassion is more than a gift.  


Some studies tout this as the greatest need for the successful survival of our communities and corporations in the future [and is key in establishing connectedness].  Kindness, generosity, and empathy are considered key drivers of future leaders and organizations as more people demand a happier experience in the workplace for themselves and their customers.


Meet us on Twitter!


Are you as a leader practicing EQ and the Science of Happiness at your workplace? In what ways can your organization improve by incorporating these two concepts?


Please join our first #DHLeaderChat Twitter Chat at 10 a.m. PST on September 26. Find us on Twitter @DHMovement to chime in on the following questions: 


Q1. How do you communicate with a team member that has low emotional intelligence [EQ] when they are causing conflict within the team?

Q2. Think about it! You probably know some high EQ leaders. What attributes really stand out that makes you think this person gets it?

Q3. So, we’ve talked about EQ, but what about the science of happiness? When you hear the term science of happiness what does it mean to you?

Q4. What do you think is needed for you to thrive and flourish at work and life?

Q5. What are some ways that your organization is implementing happiness into the workplace? How can you implement happiness in your workplace? 


How to participate in #DHLeaderChat Twitter Chat:

    • Follow us on Twitter @DHMovement 
    • Click on our account @DHMovement at 10 a.m. PST on Thursday September 26th
    • Wait for our host to post Q1 then tweet us your response in the following format:
      • A1 YOUR RESPONSE #DHLeaderChat
      • To respond to Q2 you will start your tweet with A2
    • Finally, make sure to have fun and stay tuned for our next #DHLeaderChat

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