Company Culture Tips | Delivering Happiness Blog

How One Company is WOWing Us with Their Fun, Values-Based Culture

Written by Briana Krueger | Apr 2, 2019 12:00:00 AM

How can you create a company culture that WOWs? We love highlighting organizations that go above-and-beyond for their employees in a way that impacts them on a personal level and extends outward into the way the whole company does business and performs. Discover how one organization sustains their thriving, happy culture by delivering WOW to their employees. Head’s up - even if you’re not in the financial services industry, this story can still apply to you:

Our culture work with National Business Capital & Services [National], a company that helps entrepreneurs grow with a variety of small business loans and credit lines, started with DH workshops on alignment, and the elements of our happiness model with both leadership and all of their employees. National’s president, Joe Camberato, heard Jenn speak at a keynote and wanted to see how Delivering Happiness could take the organization’s culture to the next level to scale in a way that maintained high standards in client service.

For more, watch what Joe has to say about our culture journey together:




How National’s culture WOWs us:


Invested in the employee experience and dedicated to one another, National puts weight to the values they live every day through their culture. As the organization began growing faster and hiring more employees, their leadership sought to scale the close-knit culture they had and to make their people a priority. It wasn’t about just being profitable or increasing sales [which they’ve accomplished too], it was about creating a workplace that everyone wanted to be proud of and extending that pride into the work they were doing.


Related: Are You Living By Company Values or Just Sticking Them on a Wall?

What else makes National's culture unique?


They’re all about having a fun time while maintaining personal, emotional connections with each other and with customers. From dressing up in costumes to heartfelt celebrations for big life milestones, the culture really allows people to come to work as their true, authentic selves.

Read what Jillian C. says about working at National:

“The best way to describe the culture here is to imagine what it would be like to come to work with your best friends and family every day, and that's what National is. We are all one big family here who jokes around with each other, takes care of each other, and there is always someone to lend a hand or an ear if you need anything.”


Learn more about National's Team, and how they work hard while "Never taking the 'FUN' out of 'FUNDING!'"

How has their culture personally impacted employees? 

“The culture here has brought so much out of me, it has made me a better person all around. I have never been happier to come to work every day and enjoy it. It isn't all about working hard - it's about working hard TOGETHER. That has been such a learning lesson for me in and outside of work.” - Jacqueline J.

“Thanks to National's Culture, I have learned how to really believe in myself - I'm the kid that would tell someone my idea so they could say it. Now I'm the person who will speak up if I have something to say.” - Kayla L.

Read WOW stories from employees:

On living their value of teamwork - “I was working with a customer who had a lot of moving parts to their situation. Although I could handle everything on my own, I didn't have to. There were over 6 people who voluntarily jumped in to help me help the customer with what they were looking to accomplish. It was something that really made me stand back and realize the blessing of having these teammates.” - Philip L.

Celebrating birthdays in a heartfelt way - “The culture team decorated my desk for my birthday and after my first week I got a handwritten card from the CEO of the company letting me know I was off to a great start and encouraging me to keep up the good work (which I still have 4 years later hanging at my desk).”

- Jillian C.

Fun as a motivator - "The first time i sat at my desk i was handed a paper unicorn to color. This unicorn was the small symbol of how i would start off my career at National! We were in a race to fund deals! Each time we funded a deal we moved closer to the finish line. The winner was to receive a prize at the end, which wound up being a big basket full of popcorn candy and a gift card to the movie theater!" - Lauren A.  


 What's the ROI of a culture that WOWs employees and customers?

Discover your company's culture potential: