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The Power of Gratitude

Written by A Little Dose of Happy | Nov 7, 2022 8:00:00 AM

It's that time of year again! It's November, the month of Thanksgiving, and with it comes the tradition of expressing gratitude. For some of us, this is an easy task.  However, not everyone is as fortunate, and feeling grateful can be much more challenging. Expressing gratitude may require increased awareness and action.


Whether the expression of gratitude comes easily or not, most of us take the good things in our lives for granted. We live in a fast-paced society with constant distractions. It's easy to get caught up in striving for more or maintaining the appearance of success that we forget to appreciate what we already have.


The Power of Saying Thank You


There are few things in life as simple, yet as powerful, as the act of saying "thank you." Just two little words. But those two words can make such a big difference.

A simple "thank you" can make someone's day, show them that you appreciate them, and instantly lift their spirits.


Saying "thank you" is an excellent way to express gratitude - one of the most powerful positive emotions that can profoundly impact our lives. In fact, gratitude has repeatedly been associated with health benefits and an overall improved sense of personal well-being.


Saying thank you is more than just good manners or common courtesy. It's a way of showing that you appreciate and value a special person in your life. It's a way of acknowledging the role that someone has played in your life, no matter how big or small.


Why Is It Important To Say Thank You?


The power of "thank you" is twofold: it can have a powerful impact on both the person who says it and the person who hears it. The person expressing gratitude can reap many benefits. Research shows people who regularly express gratitude are more likely to report higher levels of life satisfaction. Other studies have shown gratitude has improved sleep, immunity, blood pressure, and overall health. Moreover, people who feel grateful have reduced levels of stress and anxiety. They also experience more positive emotions like happiness, joy, and hope.


Saying "thank you" also significantly impacts the person who hears it. It makes them feel valued, appreciated, and good about themselves. Additionally, feeling gratitude can motivate people to perform more helpful behaviors in the future. In one study, researchers found that people who heard "thank you" for their help were more likely to offer assistance again in the future. 


Saying Thank You Can Help Build Strong Relationships


Expressing gratitude is crucial in cultivating relationships and can help make them stronger, more fulfilling, and longer-lasting. When you say "thank you," they are more likely to feel good about themselves and their relationship with you. They may subconsciously feel more motivated to help you in the future and may more actively look out for your best interests.


In romantic relationships, a series of studies of couples shows that expressing gratitude helps relationships thrive by promoting a cycle of generosity, commitment, and more gratitude. For a solid professional relationship, saying "thank you" can also go a long way. A recent study found that colleagues who expressed gratitude to each other reported feeling more satisfied with their work and felt like they belonged to a more supportive teamResearchers also found that employees who felt appreciated by their supervisors were more engaged and less likely to look for a new job. So, if you want to build and maintain strong relationships, say "thank you" often!


Saying Thank You Helps Foster Resilience


In addition to the other benefits of expressing gratitude, research has also shown that it can help you bounce back from setbacks and difficult situations. This may be because people who regularly express gratitude tend to have a more positive outlook on life and are better able to see the silver lining in difficult situations.


In one study, participants who kept a gratitude journal reported feeling more resilient in the face of stress and were better able to cope with trauma. Other research has shown that gratitude can help people recover from illness, deal with grief, and reduce the harmful effects of chronic pain.


Expressing gratitude does not mean focusing on only positive feelings while neglecting all negative ones; instead, it is about finding a balance. You can better cope with the bad by acknowledging and appreciating the good in your life.

So, the next time you're feeling down, try expressing gratitude. It might help you get back on your feet!


How To Express Gratitude 


This year, there are 31 days between Thanksgiving [November 24, 2022] and Christmas [December 25, 2022]. What an excellent time to embark on a Gratitude Challenge! For this challenge, use the epitome of Thankful Thursdays [Thanksgiving] as a starting point to begin a journey of gratitude. The goal is simple: express gratitude every day for 21 days! [Try to keep it up and see if you can make it to 31!] Whenever possible, express gratitude directly to the person you are thankful for.


To help you with this challenge, here are 10 ideas for how to express gratitude:


1. Say "Thank You" Out Loud

It is the best (and easiest!) expression of gratitude there is. Say "thank you" and then show deeper appreciation by explaining your reasons for thanking them.


2. Compliment Someone Publicly

Pay someone a compliment - a few kind words expressed in a meaningful way - will make their day and boost their self-esteem.


3. Write A Thank You Note


A handwritten letter is a thoughtful way to express gratitude. It's a personal touch that shows how much you care. The recipient will definitely feel appreciated!


4. Give A Gift


Being surprised by an unexpected gift is always a wonderful feeling. Gifts can come in all shapes and sizes. They don't have to be expensive - they have to come from the heart.


5. Make A Donation In Someone's Name


Donating to a charity in someone's name is a beautiful way to show how much you appreciate them. It's a great way to honor someone while also making the world a little bit better too!


6. Say It Aloud


At the end of your day, take a moment to reflect on your day and list three things you're grateful for. Saying your gratitude aloud helps to solidify it in your mind and makes the act of being grateful more real.


7. Start a Gratitude Journal


One of the best ways to express gratitude is to write things down in a journal. 

This can be anything from a small act of kindness from a stranger to a significant life event, like getting a promotion.


8. Create A Gratitude Scrapbook


A fun way to express gratitude is to create a gratitude scrapbook. This can be done digitally or by hand, and it's a great way to document everything you're thankful for. Add photos of things you're grateful for. You can add thankful quotes, affirmations, poems, or short stories.


9. Volunteer Your Time


Make expressing gratitude even more meaningful by volunteering your time to help others. Not only will you be making a difference in the lives of others, but you'll also feel good about yourself. 


10. Do Something Kind For A Stranger


Express gratitude for your own good blessings by doing something kind for someone you don't know. Random acts of kindness are a great way to make someone's day, and they'll often be passed on to others, creating a ripple of impact. There are plenty of ways to be kind, so get creative and see how many people you can make smile.


Final Thoughts


Expressing gratitude is a simple act that can greatly impact your life. You can improve your mood, relationships, and overall well-being by taking the time to say "thank you" and express what you're grateful for.


There are many great ways to express gratitude. Use the Gratitude Challenge to find the ones that work best for you, and then make gratitude a part of your everyday life. You'll be amazed at how much better you feel when you start practicing gratitude regularly.

Showing gratitude is an investment in your people, & the ROI is a more engaged, happier workplace. Another way to invest in your team is through PEOPLE-FOCUSED STRATEGIES TO HELP YOU MAKE WORK MORE HUMAN & HAPPY.