Company Culture Tips | Delivering Happiness Blog

4 Ways to Create an Amazing Customer Experience Strategy

Written by Burkhard Berger | Sep 2, 2020 4:03:44 PM

The importance of having a good customer experience strategy is directly connected to profits. In fact, 84% of companies that focus on improving customer experience report an increase in revenue. While 96% of customers say they consider the customer service experience when deciding which brands to patronize.


Having an amazing product and positive company culture are essential elements for your business, but they will only take you so far. The glue that binds everything together and results in your company making more money creating a great customer experience strategy.


Here are 4 ways you can do just that-


#1 Create multiple buyer personas


It is important to remember that not every customer is the same. By adding personalized services you have already won half the battle. 81% of customers say they want a brand to get to know them to understand when and how to approach them and when not to.


A widespread sales tactic that floats around the internet is that your organization should create an ''ideal customer profile,'' but that means putting your customer in a box. Your customers are uniquely different, therefore, want different products, services, etc that are geared towards these differences. 


Sending out a generic email that does not target anyone in a specific way is not only pointless but, at times, can even become annoying to your customers.


So, what is the answer?


Create multiple buyer personas. Let's say you are selling an awesome pair of headphones. Not every customer will use those headphones with the same purpose in mind. Customer A may use them for work meetings while Customer B uses them to listen to podcasts


Your clients are different. The moment you understand that you can boost the number of sales you are making and immediately improve the customer experience.


So, how do you do this?

  • Create different landing pages for different groups of people
  • Design multiple various blog posts to target different customers
  • Use Facebook Ads to target different people [with different interests] with an ad that would resonate with them.

This can be done for any brand and within any industry.


Here are a few examples:


Spotify does an amazing job of targeting different buyer personas by curating a daily mix based on their listening history. 


Big Scoots, web hosting company, manages to target website owners who are strapped for cash as well as customers who want more premium hosting. They offer landing page is for individually managed hosting built for a website, with more premium options but it is more expensive. They also share cheaper web hosting and a better option for new sites or bloggers.


Keeping in mind that what you offer can be used by multiple different people in a plethora of ways can be overwhelming at first. Still, you can use that information to target each of these potential customers individually and win them all over.



Listen to the full episode here.


#2 Do not be afraid to give away valuable content


Companies are often scared of giving away too much for free. The fear is that if they give their customer too much of the product or service in a free version they will lose money in the long run. However, the opposite is true. Most customers are willing to invest their money in a service or product that they are already impressed by. Countless companies serve as proof of this statement.


Here are a few examples:


Zyro has free logo maker tools available. If anything, this has aided their overall business by bringing in more customers that are interested in their website builder software [their main product].


Another company that benefits by offering free services is the language learning website that gives users the ability to book a free trial session with their tutors.


#3 Hire people that serve from the heart


Customers want to feel special, and if your service comes from the heart, they will remember your company for it. An example of a brand that always serves from the heart is JetBlue. 


Whether it is through their relationships with frequent flyers [they even got one of their flyers to shoot a video talking about his love for JetBlue] or their campaign FlyBabies, where they rewarded customers if they were unable to stop a baby from crying during a long flight. Programs like these create a customer that walks away loving the company and the people behind it.


It does not take much to show a customer you care- simply treat them as friends and make sure they know you understand what they are going through.


#4 Break away from the stereotypical customer-company relationship


Companies today are figuring out that they do not always have to be super professional with their customers. Many customers actually want to see the fancy guys behind big companies as human beings first.


You can accomplish this without an expensive marketing strategy. The fast-food company, Wendy's has become famous for its hilarious tweets and an ongoing feud with the McDonald's Twitter account. Customers love this about Wendy's. It is simple, effective, and it makes your company human.


Wrapping it up


Customers continue to be the best referral traffic for any small business or a large corporation, so you should be making your customers as happy as possible. A great customer service strategy can mean an increase in customer loyalty, more revenue, and a better reputation as a brand.


Does your company need help creating an amazing customer service strategy? DH offers on-site and virtual solutions to help your company connect happy employees, with happy customers which results in higher profits.