Delivering Happiness Blog

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Relaxing to be More Productive and Avoid Burnout

Summary: Relaxation is important for health and maintaining life/work balance and productivity.

6 Ways Video Games Have Made Me Happier

Video games get a bad rap in society today. Yes, many of them are incredibly violent, with "mature themes", and other players often engage in...

Multitasking Interferes with Learning?

Happiness and Community at Work

Happiness Reduced by Facebook?

Summary: Envy and social comparisons on Facebook and other social network sites might leave a person feeling deflated or frustrated.

Change your Posture, Grow your Confidence, Follow your Dreams!

Happiness and Denying Negative Information

Summary: Trying to feel happy may actually make people unhappy because it can be an unrealistic approach to experiencing contentment.

Daniel Kahneman: How Memory + Experience Create and Influence Happiness

Coffee and Stress in the Workplace

Summary: Drinking coffee can elevate a stress hormone called cortisol.


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